12 de December de 2016

Programas de Estágios em Berlim

Já pensou em fazer um estágio não-remunerado na Alemanha? Trata-se de uma oportunidade sensacional para a sua carreira, além de uma experiência […]
20 de October de 2016

Férias na Alemanha? Combine estudos com diversão!

Já pensou em aproveitar suas férias na Alemanha para viajar e ao mesmo tempo aprender o idioma alemão? Existem diversos programas de […]
30 de September de 2016

The Palace of Charlottenburg

Schloß Charlottenburg (Palace of Charlottenburg) is the largest palace in Berlin, built in the Italian Baroque style between the years 1695 and […]
6 de September de 2016

Dimitris’ Diary: Dresden, the treasure of East Germany.

Hello guys! Today my journey goes on to the imposing city of Dresden. The city is located on the Elbe River and […]
3 de September de 2016

Klunkerkranich: the coolest roof-top-bar in Berlin

That Neukölln is one of the coolest neighborhoods in Berlin, everyone already knows. This region has many attractions and unique places not […]
1 de September de 2016


The Schlachtensee is another one of the lakes located in Berlin. Unlike Wannsee, this lake does not have a strip of sand […]
27 de August de 2016

Dimitris’ Diary: Weimar, the impeccable city of culture and arts!

I arrived in Weimar in the late afternoon, as the last rays of sun gave a golden hue over the square and […]
25 de August de 2016

The Lake Wannsee

The lake Wannsee is located in the western part of Berlin, in the Steglitz-Zehlendorf district. The region of Wannsee has two lakes: […]