27 de August de 2016

Dimitris’ Diary: Weimar, the impeccable city of culture and arts!

I arrived in Weimar in the late afternoon, as the last rays of sun gave a golden hue over the square and […]
25 de August de 2016

The Lake Wannsee

The lake Wannsee is located in the western part of Berlin, in the Steglitz-Zehlendorf district. The region of Wannsee has two lakes: […]
19 de August de 2016

The definite articles: “der”, “die” and “das”

Hello guys! Today we will talk about a topic that always generates doubt and that is sometimes cause for panic for those […]
16 de August de 2016

Dimitris’ Diary: Nuremberg and the feeling of being in a medieval fief.

My journey continues to the historic city of Nuremberg (or Nürnberg, as we say in German). Located in Bavaria, the city has […]
13 de August de 2016

Hoje é mesmo o Dia dos Pais?

Muitas das datas festivas aqui na Alemanha são celebradas em datas diferentes no Brasil, que se deve por questões religiosas ou históricas. […]
13 de August de 2016

Program for Doctors in Germany

There are certain specific courses for doctors in Germany who wish to practice their profession in the country. This is an excellent […]
11 de August de 2016

The pronunciation of the German language

Olá! Hoje é dia de aprender ou reforçar o conhecimento sobre a pronúncia dos principais fonemas da língua alemã. Aprender os fonemas […]
10 de August de 2016

5 songs to remember Berlin!

We selected today five songs that mention or speak about Berlin, for you to practice your German and get into the mood […]