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New immigration law in Germany

Germany is introducing a new Skilled Workers Immigration Act, the “Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz”, which will come into force from November 2023. This law brings a series of significant changes to facilitate the immigration of qualified professionals into the country. Let’s take a closer look at the main changes and what this means for those interested in working in Germany.

New Blaue Karte EU from November 2023

One of the main changes is the reformulation of the Blaue Karte EU, which is a visa for highly qualified professionals from non-EU countries. The salary requirements for obtaining the Blaue Karte EU will be reduced in regulated and scarce professions. This will allow more qualified professionals to benefit from this visa, contributing to the German economy.

Expansion of beneficiaries

The new law also expands the group of professionals who can apply for the Blaue Karte EU. For example, recent graduates who have obtained a degree within the last three years may qualify for this visa, provided they meet the salary requirements. In addition, IT specialists who have the equivalent of three years’ work experience, even without a university degree, can now apply.

Expanding the List of Professions in Short Supply

The list of shortage professions eligible for Blaue Karte EU will also be expanded. This includes a variety of positions, from health professionals to engineers and teachers. This expansion aims to fill skills gaps in the German labor market.

Easier Access to a Residence Permit after Qualification

For those seeking equivalence of their qualifications on the German job market, the new law makes it easier to obtain a residence permit after qualifying. This encourages the integration of qualified professionals who want to contribute to the country’s economy.

Introduction of “Chancenkarte” for Job Search

One of the most interesting innovations is the introduction of the “Chancenkarte” – a card that makes it easier to find a job in Germany. This allows qualified professionals, with certain levels of qualification and language skills, to seek job opportunities in the country.

The new Skilled Workers Immigration Act aims not only to attract foreign talent, but also to simplify the procedures for skilled workers to enter and stay in Germany. With these changes, the country is seeking to strengthen its position as a global hub of innovation and opportunity.

If you are considering working in Germany as a qualified professional, these changes could open new doors for you. Make sure you understand the specific requirements and procedures for taking advantage of these opportunities.

Link to the original article in German

Note: This article is a summary of the main changes introduced by the new Skilled Workers Immigration Act in Germany. For detailed and up-to-date information, we recommend consulting official German government sources.


Source: German Consulate in Brazil

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