Programas de Estágios em Berlim
12 de December de 2016
5 destinos para fazer um bate-volta de Berlim
14 de December de 2016
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Dimitris’ Diary: Warnemünde and the Baltic Sea

Hello guys! It’s been a while since I wrote last time telling you about my adventures, but I’m back to share my experiences on my last trip to Warnemünde, in northern Germany. It was a short trip but full of good energy!


It had been a long time since I was thinking of going to the beach, since in Berlin we only have lakes. So I took the map of Germany and saw that one of the closest places to see the sea here was in Warnemünde, a small seaside resort located north of Rostock.

The trip started at the Hauptbanhof in Berlin, where I got on a train that took me to Rostock, a journey of approximately 2h30min. From Rostock to the coast you can take the S-Bahn (train), so the S1 line takes you directly to the small village in the north.

When I got there, I noticed a shop with one of the main specialties of the region: the Fischbrötchen, which is nothing more than a fish sandwich. Having arrived in town at lunchtime, I took advantage and bought a snack to try it. This was meant to be a moment of peace while walking to the beach, it became a moment of attention! That’s because while crossing the bridge under the Alter Strom, a huge seagull flew over me and snatched up some of my snack. It was quite a scare!


Walking through the center of Warnemünde, I was able to appreciate the beauty of a classical architecture with buildings typical of the region. In the surroundings of Alter Strom there are several restaurants and shops, an excellent option for tourists.

I kept walking until I reached the beach, which I really came to get in these lands, and I was very surprised. The strip of sand was large, it was very soft, thin and clear. The sound of the sea, the smell of sea air, the two headlights I could see on the horizon! It was undoubtedly all she needed at that moment.

silbermowe_lachmoweWhen walking next to the sea, I found many shells and colored stones. Two species of seagulls were happily swimming: Lachmöwe and Silbermöwe. On the beach there are also species of grass, which give all the charm to the place.

Although it was December and the temperatures were around 2°C, it was sunny and not very crowded, which made this my experience through the Baltic Sea very good. I spent good minutes enjoying the sea and imagining that someone on the other side in Denmark, someone else was looking back too.

At the end of the day I went downtown and visited the Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirchgemeinde, a beautiful church covered in red bricks. Talking to the locals, I learned that Warnemünde is very popular during the summer and that the city is transformed with the thousands of tourists who come to refresh themselves here!

The next morning, I opened the window of the hotel and said goodbye to the beautiful resort. It was without doubt a very enriching visit and I hope to return soon preferably when the summer and the heat are back.

Do you want to remember other destinations I’ve already been to? Take a look at the links below and explore Germany with me! A big hug to everyone!

Dimitris 😉

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