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13 de August de 2016
The definite articles: “der”, “die” and “das”
19 de August de 2016
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Dimitris’ Diary: Nuremberg and the feeling of being in a medieval fief.

My journey continues to the historic city of Nuremberg (or Nürnberg, as we say in German). Located in Bavaria, the city has medieval buildings and is reminiscent in structure of a fief. The walls, the beautiful castle and an amazing cathedral transform the city into a very attractive place, especially for those who appreciate history.

Despite having been damaged by bombing and destroyed during the 2nd World War, most of the Middle Age’s structures were rebuilt in their original forms. Even today, the historic center is surrounded by ancient walls, with a length of 4 km. Leaving the central station (Hauptbanhof), it is possible to see the structure of the old town and feel like you’ve gone back in time.

The city also had great importance in the post-war, since the Nuremberg trials were responsible for the condemnation of numerous war criminals. From this period onwards Nuremberg took the title of city of peace and human rights.

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I started my tour around the wall, which are located in traditional neighborhoods like Johannis, Gostenhof, Nordstadt, Kraftshof, Südstadt and Wöhrd. Gostenhof is one of the coolest neighborhoods in the city, known for its large Turkish, Greek, Italian and Spanish communities, in addition to presenting an important artistic community. About twenty percent of the population is foreign, a relatively large number compared to Bavaria (ten percent).

Then visited the Nordstadt neighborhood, which is known for its old bourgeois homes and villages of the eighteenth century. The old houses of the bourgeois elite are now occupied by republics of students (Wohngemeinschafts, or “WGs” how it is spoken in Germany).

The River Pegnitz divides the old town into two parts. To the north lies the Sebalder Altstadt district, in reference to the name of St. Sebald Kirche church. South of the river Pegnitz is located in the Lorenzer Altstadt neighborhood, in reference to the name of the Lorenzkirche church. Both neighborhoods are surrounded by medieval wall of defense. The churches are very impressive and I do recommend the visit!

A walk through the old town (Altstadt) is essential. There you will get the real feel of being in a fief within the books of history from school. The Imperial Castle (Kaiserburg), surrounded by the wall with about 80 defense towers, was undoubtedly my favorite in the city. There you can have a panoramic view and visit the bowels of the castle.

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Nuremberg is very famous for its Christmas markets and throughout the year you can find the decoration items everywhere. I intend to return later at that time of the year, because I believe that a tour through the Christmas markets in Germany would give great stories to my diary!

While in the center, do not miss visiting the church St. Selbald, its interior is very amazing and from time to time there are exhibits with photos showing the church after the bombings after the war. It is very shocking to see the damage and how they rebuilt everything so perfectly.

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The last tourist spot I visited was the Schöner Brunnen (Blo Fountain in free translation), built between 1385 and 1396 by Heinrich Beheim. With its 19 meters high, reminiscent in its shape a church tower in the Gothic style.

That’s personal, my trip Nuremberg ends here. My next destination is the amazing city of Weimar, the land of Schiller and Goethe!

Auf Wiedersehen!


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