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28 de April de 2016
Berlin x Airbnb
3 de May de 2016
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Erster Mai

The 1st May, called here in Germany Erster Mai or Tag der Arbeit, is a festive day very well celebrated in Berlin. Locals and tourists gather around the Kottbusser Tor, Heinrichplatz and Oranienstraße, where the main programs take place, with stage performances and attractions in various styles of music, as well as a variety of culinary delights.

This date, historically associated with the protests and riots related to the Labour Day, has seen in recent years the number of incidents decreasing dramatically. The streets have been taken by an effervescent public that clearly expresses what Berlin has to offer. In short, this festival is where youth express all their energy and transform the German capital into a contagious atmosphere environment.

To get to the party center in Kreuzberg it is suggested to take the U1 subway line and get off at Görlitzer Bahnhof or Prinzenstraße stations, once the Kottbusser Tor station, which is the closest to the event, is extremely saturated due to the large influx of people.

Will you be in Berlin on next Sunday? Do not miss the opportunity to experience this, which is one of the main events on the city calendar and… viel Spaß!

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